
One of the world’s leading specialty retailers of fashionable jewelry and accessories for young women, teens, tweens and kids. Claire’s goal is to be the emporium of choice for all girls (in age or attitude) across the world. They deliver this by offering a range of innovative, fun and affordable products and services that cater to all of her activities, as she grows up, whenever and wherever. 

Claire’s aims to inspire girls and women around the world to become their best selves by providing products and experiences that empower them to express their own unique individual styles. Claire’s brands and environments will sing with fun, innovation, and discovery, will serve to shape the personal stories and dreams of their friends, and will fulfill the aspirations of the communities with which they connect.


Phone: (504) 831-7967

Where to Park: Dillard’s Parking Garage
Best Entrance: JCPenney Entrance (see below)
